Resources menu
Groups from around the world involved in turning earth into structure
Association for Preservation Technology International
International cross-disciplinary organization dedicated to promoting the best technology for conserving historic structures and their settings.
Institute dedicated to spreading knowledge about earthen construction, particularly compressed earth block. Based in Auroville India.
International coalition of builders promoting the use of straw, clay, and other natural building material.
Documentation center for raw earth buildings in Italy.
Spanish language earth building site.
French language earth architecture site.
Earthbuilding association of Germany.
Devon Earth Building Association, UK
Site on the traditional practice of building in earth or ‘cob’ in the South-West of England.
Earth Building Association of Australia
Earth Building Association of New Zealand (EBANZ)
Biennial international conference on earthen architecture and construction, Santa Fe, NM.
Ecological Building Network (EBNet)
An open group of engineers, builders, and architects developing and disseminating best technologies for the built environment.
IG Lehm, Switzerland (Earthbuilding Association of Switzerland)
North American Rammed Earth Builders Association
To promote the use of rammed earth as a building material and method.
Spanish language site on earthen architecture and construction.
Earthen architecture in Europe.
The Centre of Irish Earthen Architecture
New Mexico-based Businesspersons’ League representing earthbuilding manufacturers, suppliers, installers, architects, draftsfolk, etc.
Networking platform for the global exchange of information, experience and know-how in earth architecture and building with earth at an academic level.
World Heritage Earthen Architecture Programme (WHEAP)
UNESCO program supporting the improvement of the state of conservation and management of earthen architecture sites worldwide.